Virtual Meetings: Sharing Your Message in Today’s World

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COVID brought us to and out of the dark ages of communications. Imagine where we would have been without the internet in this time of COVID. Our ability to just get by would have been immensely more difficult. True, mankind has survived worse, but in this day and age, it would have been very hard to get by without the internet.

Zoom Meetings became all the rage (more accurately, virtual meetings because Zoom was far from being the only platform). Nevertheless, virtual meetings became an integral part of our lives and everyone learned the language, some better than others, but no one was untouched

We at ZKI Communications were early adapters to virtual meetings. We were among the first to see its value, to study it, use it, and expand its use. We were among the first to put it to use in communicating with world-wide transmissions.

We were among the first to put it to use in venue-to-venue meetings across the globe. In 2004, we produced a virtual meeting from the ballroom of the Cavaliere Hotel in Rome to 23 counties and 30 cities around the world. And, we’ve been doing it ever since.

Today we provide world-class virtual meetings to some of the world's most demanding companies. While it is impossible to replace the value of a face-to-face meeting, we can provide you with the next best thing – unparalleled virtual meetings.

We move from one-to-one communications to one-to-many with everything from simultaneous translations to camera discussions to camera discussions all over the world.  The quality is as good as the television news teams -- live presentations, videos, polling, Questions and Answer sessions, and much more. With our virtual meetings, you can communicate everything but touch.

Give us a chance to show you why our customers value our 30 plus years of producing easy to understand, memorable communications. Would you like to hear directly from our clients about our value to their communications? Let me introduce you to them and you can ask them personally